A great water therapy Our body consist of 60% water and water perform many of the important functions of the body like balancing the fluid levels,and carrying the necessary nutrients through out the body . and mainly water is a very much important factor for the digestion purposes of the body. Different studies based on water consumption just arrived to an assumption that,the daily intake of water volume for men is around 3 liters and 2.5 for woman. What is water therapy? Water therapy has originated from 18 th century .it was a very common habit of the Indians and Chinese.this method of water therapy consist of consuming about 5 cups of plain water immediately after waking up with an empty stomach.this widely used method has certain health benefits.they are 1.hydrates the body 2.cleanses the colon in order to absorb enough nutrients 3.helps to burn fat and hence lose body weight by activating metabolism. 4.increases immunity ...