a diet plan of eggs


In all around the world  eggs are considered as one one of the best healthy foods,and hard boiled eggs are recommended by  many health experts as a ideal breakfast.So we all will have that natural curiosity about eggs . May be some some of us are making these monologues like what do they provide ?,eggs are cheap you know? .For those who are still in the dark, lets  go to some basic facts about eggs.

                       Well eggs are on top of any ideal diet plans ,the main reason for this high ranking of  egg is because they provide high quality protein thus become a very reliable source of protein .The major share of this protein content is found in the egg whites which also contains different minerals and vitamins which supports our overall health.

Still curious?
Now lets take a look at the nutritional value table of egg.

%daily value*
Total fat
Total carbohydrate
Vitamin A




Now we  dont doubt egg ranking 
do we?

Even though we are aware of its capabilities a good plan must implemented to maximize the health benefits of egg in our daily diet. And it should be very clear about the right time to eat, right amount to consume etc

Thats why we bring you this ideal diet of eggs for 4 weeks.
OK lets start with the first day of the week.


BREAK FAST:     2 hard boiled eggs, any citrus fruit you like.
          LUNCH:    2 sweet potatoes, two apples.
        SUPPER:     2 boiled eggs  with a vegetable salad finishing with a fruit.


BREAK FAST:    2 hard boiled eggs, any fruit .
 LUNCH:           must include a green vegetable ,and we recommend a chicken               salad along with it.
SUPPER:          a slice of chicken with a light salad.     


BREAK FAST:    2 hard boiled eggs, any citrus fruit you like.
LUNCH:   one medium sweet potato combined with a tomato following an idle low fat cheese.
SUPPER: a slice of chicken with a light salad.


BREAK FAST:    2 hard boiled eggs, any citrus fruit you like.
LUNCH:   one whole fruit is preferred.
SUPPER:   a light salad with a medium steamed chicken.


BREAK FAST:   2 hard boiled eggs, any citrus fruit you like.
LUNCH:   low steamed green vegetables with an omelet.
SUPPER:   try grilled fish with any salad.


BREAK FAST:   2 hard boiled eggs, any citrus fruit you like.
LUNCH:   one whole fruit is preferred.
SUPPER:   low steamed green vegetables with an omelet.


BREAK FAST:   2 hard boiled eggs, any citrus fruit you like.
LUNCH:   a light salad with a medium steamed chicken.
SUPPER:   a healthy serving of green vegetables.

(Follow this plan for 4 weeks and record your transformation).

Are eggs good as we thought?

Now before we just plant egg to our hot list, we must consider the facts of the demerits of eggs .For some people with health deficiencies like cholesterol eggs are not a good choice. So before choosing our diet ,we have to  evaluate the pros and cons of eggs and compare to our health situation.

Merits of eggs
·      low calorie count.
·      Good range  of vitamins
·      Rich in proteins
·      Not expensive

Demerits of eggs

·        High cholesterol

·        Heart disease risk
·        Food borne illness

·        Salmonella infection

·        Piles

Note:you can avoid the cholesterol content in eggs by just consuming the egg whites  only.

if you are just walking away from eggs ,you could be missing some necessary nutrients like vitamin D which is a bone building factor .many experts recommend the moderate use of eggs while avoiding the cholesterol in it.
Consult with your physician and build a proper plan and start building your health.


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